Sunday, December 12, 2010

Counsellor of campus of sunshine of aid peaceful college of medical training a formal begin school!

Shoulder Dystocia Injury: 3D Medical Animation

Counsellor of campus of sunshine of aid peaceful college of medical training a formal begin school! Experience with what the following idiom will generalize me and the mood: Complete darkness, wailing wind and weeping rain-wretched circumstances, drowsy, horrible, cannot help doing sth, 7 meat or fish 8 element, hopeless, make a profit in troubled situation, one‘s heart still fluttering with fear, pedantic terms, bemoan one‘s inadequacy in the face of a great task, obsequious, timeserving, 3 people become a tiger, look on sb‘s trouble with indifference, things of one kind come together, worthless, mixed, wag one‘s tongue, foam with rage, ruin the effect by adding sth superfluous, unkempt, the law of jungle, the ways of the world is hot and cold, be besieged on all sides, be sanctimonious, deceive one‘s superiors and delude one‘s subordinates, garble, know nothing about, choose the wrong audience, the below follow the behavior of the above, the people are plunged into an abyss of misery, grand, order people by gesture, favor changes in temperature, impatient gas is filled, the pit of the stomach is differ, fraught, waste time, empty-handed, eternal regret through the ages, the month is short of beautiful incomplete, consider oneself is great-hearted, a Judas kiss, each does what he thinks is right, pervert the law by playing with legal phraseology, show one‘s true colours, the land is swarmed with famished refugees ah ~~~~~~~~~~~~
Chinese literature is really broad and profound!

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