Friday, December 17, 2010

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Lecture 3: Break out system of lash-up of communal and wholesome incident

Main study content and key knowledge are analytic

1, break out lash-up of communal and wholesome incident to react the system is summarized

The research of system of reaction of lash-up of communal to breaking out wholesome incident on international mostly only then 2001 after 9.11 incident, the wide attention of Chinese scholar and research are more from 2003 after SARS. The relevant research content that the level studies with respect to theory below undertakes introductory.

(1) system, system and break out system of lash-up of communal and wholesome incident

The department unites a word to originate the earliest Hellenic, original intention is the whole that shows the part is comprised, gather. Original systematic concept comes into being to learn at archaic sagacious. The system is to point to an a certain number of concerned things or connection of each other of meaning be sensible, whole that be restricted each other and forms.

Press of Chinese people university published 1996, of Li Huaichun chief editor " Marxism philosophy whole book " in made the following explanation to the system: By the organic whole that the element of interaction forms. If group of a target is full below enough two conditions call it the system: (The boy or girl friend that 1) includes two to be able to distinguish each other at least (element) ; (These 2) objects (element) between the mutual connection with specific existence. Tell from this kind of meaning, "System " can be equal at " system " . Jilin people press publishs, of Zhang Shiying chief editor " dictionary of black case Er " also point out in one book: "System " or " system " the thing whole that is used at pointing to to weigh mutual connection.

In the relevant document that in home communal to breaking out wholesome incident answers research, break out communal and wholesome incident " answer a system " and " answer a system " the distinction that goes up without firm sense, it is to point to normally same a thing, OK also and general. And in the relevant document that is in abroad, "System " with " system " it is a word together " System " , also do not have distinction on the meaning, it is Chinese interpret law differs only. Accordingly, in breaking out theory of reaction of lash-up of communal and wholesome incident, can will " system " with " system " understanding is synonym. Regard a complex system as the project, lash-up management need coordinates scientific and strong, sound moving system to manage in order to assure lash-up efficient, orderly spread out, this an organic whole is fastened namely lash-up management system.

Lash-up management system (the foundation that Emergency ManagementSystem) is lash-up management and core, it is to point to those who make sure lash-up government moves effectively a series of system arrangement and conditional safeguard. A whole lash-up management system includes:

Constituent system: Branch of administration, function, lash-up is directed and come to help team

Run a mechanism: Make clear the mechanism that respect of direct, harmonious, responsibility concerns

Beforehand case: Action plan

Legal foundation: Form by a series of law laws and regulations related to lash-up management

Lash-up guarantees a system: The safeguard that waits for a respect by finance affairs of resource of equipment of news news report, goods and materials, manpower, capital is formed

Lash-up management system is the main component of system of contemporary government management, it is the core essential factor that reflects governmental lash-up ability and level.

Will tell from afore-mentioned meanings, break out system of reaction of lash-up of communal and wholesome incident (Public Health Emergency ResponseSystem) understandable a series of system arrangement that adopt measure to move effectively to make sure the government breaks out place of communal and wholesome incident to answer and conditional safeguard. Perfect bolt is communal and wholesome pattern of incident lash-up system should be: Unified command is monitored, system of early-warning, lash-up, efficient the bring a patient out of danger that run, hierarchy of control, accurate and transparent information releases a system, move effectively detect, precaution, supervisory system, lay in enough goods and materials to guarantee a system, the jurisprudence of rigid safeguard.

(2) break out system of lash-up of communal and wholesome incident, mechanism to summarize

1) the distinction of system and mechanism

The central language of both and scope of application are put in difference, "Mechanism " it is organism analogy points to common thing, be in again thing interior is departmental the mechanism of cent namely correlation, "System " the system that those who point to is concerned organization form, there is the organization that layer class concerns between fluctuation of be confined to.

2) break out system of lash-up of communal and wholesome incident

Lash-up management system is the criterion of duty of the in respective respect government limits when stipulating government, branch, enterprise faces the crisis, attributive, interest and its correlation, its core is the setting of the administration, its efficiency that loses by force to affect management directly and efficiency.

To ensure the society is communal healthy safety, the basic mechanism that at present the developed country regards a country as communal and wholesome system undertakes building, from break out investment of legislation of communal and wholesome incident, wholesome funds, administration to execute the law supervise and each respects such as relevant equipment technology support undertake supportive. Review construction of communal and wholesome system, the bolt of the country such as the United States, Japan, England, Russia is communal and wholesome lash-up system dispute often succeeds, each country government established standing lash-up administration, stipulate lash-up management organizes authority duty clearly, include in the center of, local government counterpoises duty, lash-up management organizes an authority duty and strategic layer and the authority between executive layer individually duty.

3) break out mechanism of lash-up of communal and wholesome incident

Breaking out communal and wholesome incident should be to break out lash-up of communal and wholesome incident to manage the specific run stream of system and method to the mechanism Cheng. Regard lash-up as one of working core, reflected the flexibility that the crisis answers and maneuverability adequately. According to function differentiate will break out communal and wholesome incident to answer mechanism content to differentiate for the following 10 much:

Decision-making direct mechanism

The organization coordinates a mechanism

Mechanism of the early-warning that monitor

Information releases a mechanism

Lash-up answers a mechanism

International communication and cooperative mechanism

Evaluate a mechanism

The society arouses mechanism

Psychological dredge mechanism

Wholesome administration supervises a mechanism

(3) break out lash-up of communal and wholesome incident beforehand case

Break out lash-up of communal and wholesome incident beforehand case point to face potential or the sudden incident of likelihood happening (reach a likelihood to form destroyed accident like social effects of pollution of calamity, serious especially big accident, environment) beforehand the lash-up management of formulate, . It is in clearly sudden accident () before happening, in developing a process and after happening, responsibility main body, when to do, and corresponding strategy and resource preparation.

By break out communal and wholesome incident to carry out main body to differentiate, but will beforehand case cent is 4 kinds: National level, province (city) class, ground city class, county class, some countries incorporate ground city class and prefectural class for area class. Differ according to suitable scope, still can differentiate its for overall beforehand case, special beforehand case and branch beforehand case. According to the type of sudden incident, beforehand case can divide mix for disaster of natural disaster, accident, communal wholesome incident social safety incident 4 kinds.

American nation meet an urgent need beforehand case unscramble, apply to all domestic calamity and emergencies.

Basic beforehand case: Beforehand concept of proposal tentative plan, task and duty, action and beforehand case safeguard and manage;

Appendix: Term, definition, acronym and orgnaization

Emergencies supports functional accessory: During explaining the country breaks out major event, confederative orgnaization supports each in harmonious resource and system city, area and other federally the task when branch of other perhaps power and substance, policy, organization forms the orgnaization reach duty;

Support accessory: Explain function program and administration ask.

(4) break out legal system of lash-up of communal and wholesome incident

Breaking out what legal system of communal and wholesome incident solves is lash-up regulation problem, the authority between main body of corresponding rapid response duty the law that the lawful sex that relation and lash-up answer a program has making clear is limitted. The legal laws and regulations that breaks out communal and wholesome incident to answer regards a society as the standard, have the common feature with mandatory country. In the meantime, have because of this kinds of incident again remarkable sociality, complexity and forecast the characteristic such as the gender hard, make its may healthy to social crowd constitute serious menace, the law that breaks out communal and wholesome incident to answer has its specialty again. Communal to breaking out wholesome incident undertakes administrative lawfully, increase quick response capacity, fulfil international obligation, can reduce the loss that breaks out communal and wholesome incident to be brought to society and public, reduce the crisis cost of country and society lowest.

(5) break out lash-up of communal and wholesome incident to organize a system

The urgent pitch in answering Cheng according to breaking out communal and wholesome incident and systematic oneself place provide some functions, can differentiate lash-up organization system to monitor system, disease to control system, medical treatment system, law to support system and safeguard system to direct decision-making system, information system, early-warning 7 main essential factor.

2, China breaks out mechanism of lash-up of communal and wholesome incident to build the current situation

(1) SARS reveals the blemish in giving our country wholesome system and problem

The experience lesson of SARS gives our country deep lesson, the popularity with SARS inchoate epidemic situation and spread, although have a few objective factors, but main reason is blemish of existence of system of our country communal sanitation:

1) the lash-up command system with centralized lack. Resource of medical treatment sanitation piece break up, significant information is communicated as diseased as harmonious mechanism, some local government cannot unite harmonious direct, make joint-stock source effectively hard.

2) lack answers the meet an urgent need that breaks out communal and wholesome incident effectively beforehand case. Answer the duty that breaks out communal and wholesome incident and task ambiguous, system of the early-warning that monitor is diseased, lash-up facilities facilities is not perfect, appliance of lash-up cure medicals and chemical reagents and reserve of goods and materials are not enough, some places are in passive situation for a time.

3) network of report of news of major epidemic epidemic situation is diseased. Epidemic situation report lacks smooth medium of communication, the collection of executive epidemic situation, analysis, report and bulletin system are not rigid, the government reachs concerned branch to master epidemic situation well and truly hard.

4) capability of cure of lash-up medical treatment is not strong. Medical establishment of quite a few does not have the necessary establishment that lash-up deals with, consciousness of lash-up of medical personnel lack and defend knowledge, cannot carry out precautionary control and medical treatment effectively to save be in harmony.

5) the disease prevents weakness of hierarchy of control. Quality of personnel of existence of orgnaization of control of various disease precaution the circumstance with backward condition of not tall, establishment, function is ambiguous, work efficiency is low.

These problems are brought about when breaking out communal and wholesome incident to happen, cannot answer effectively, control in time, the transmission that creates epidemic situation and diffuse, give people not only healthy brought serious menace, also developed to produce major effect with social stability to economy. Because of this our country from build hold together nation the strategic thought of communal and wholesome safety and happiness and benefit sets out, strive is on national level, design of the answers all sorts of sudden incident long strategy deploy that builds a kind of stand high and see far in the light of all sorts of social crisis incident, system and origanization construction are arranged, begin what compose establishs lasting stability and durable peace of hold together country to break out system of lash-up of communal and wholesome incident.

(2) the main content that breaks out construction of mechanism of lash-up of communal and wholesome incident

Our country breaks out mechanism of lash-up of communal and wholesome incident to build closely around " one case 3 make " . Namely " total meet an urgent need beforehand case " , " legal system " , " system " and " mechanism " , preliminary formed government order it is expedite, clear to classification, responsibility clear, reaction the lash-up mechanism with seasonable, effective safeguard.

1) countrywide lash-up beforehand case frame system is initial form

The country was released formally on January 8, 2006 " the country breaks out communal incident total meet an urgent need beforehand case " (the following abbreviation " overall beforehand case " ) , in all 6 chapters, it is safeguard of system of general principles, organization, moving mechanism, lash-up, supervisory management and supplementary articles respectively.

Overall beforehand case regard the whole nation as lash-up beforehand the general programme of file system, set clearly of all kinds break out communal incident to classification, classified standard, and beforehand case frame system make specific provision, answer in the State Council particularly great the content respect such as mechanism of the constituent system that breaks out communal incident, job parts make corresponding standard.

Overall beforehand the record is public to breaking out of incident forecast report of early-warning, news, lash-up to answer, lash-up deals with, restore to rebuild reach investigation to evaluate waited for a mechanism to make detailed provision, concern a branch clearly to guarantee the job in lash-up each further (manpower, financial capacity, material resources and traffic are carried, medical treatment sanitation, communication) the duty of the respect.

On this foundation the State Council already wove about the branch each country 9 special beforehand case and branch beforehand case; Of countrywide each province, municipality, municipality directly under the Central Government provincial break out communal incident total meet an urgent need beforehand case already all wove finish; Each district still was united in wedlock to weave actually special meet an urgent need beforehand case and safeguard beforehand case; A lot of city (the ground) , county (city) and enterprise or business the unit also made meet an urgent need beforehand case. So far, countrywide lash-up beforehand case frame system is initial form.

2) break out communal and wholesome incident to answer legal system to change construction

After SARS, our country was revised " law of contagion prevention and cure " , " law of territory sanitation quarantine " and " law of animal epidemic prevention " , made " break out byelaw of lash-up of communal and wholesome incident " and " sudden incident answers a way " (abbreviation " 4 laws, one byelaw " ) . This " 4 laws, one byelaw " the lash-up administration action that is various executive authority provided enough legal basis.

" break out byelaw of lash-up of communal and wholesome incident "

Fair alms giving went during SARS 2003 " break out byelaw of lash-up of communal and wholesome incident " (next weighing " byelaw " ) , administrative legislation speed of many days 20 created last a period of time not only a new record, more in administrative regulations of People‘s Republic of China history go up brushstroke of thick Mo Chongcai below besmear, indicating our country is farther will break out communal and wholesome incident (the following abbreviation breaks out incident) the orbit that lash-up handled the job to bring into legal system to change.

" sudden incident answers a way "

The 29th times the conference passed the 10th Standing Committee of the National People‘s Congress on August 30, 2007 " sudden incident of People‘s Republic of China answers a way " it is first communal to including to break out wholesome incident inside the law with all sudden special and normative incident. Sudden incident answers what the law is sudden incident to answer to broke out incident lash-up respect to make particular system arrange to offerring a few main train of thought to be in.

Revise fill in succession original legislation flaw

" law of prevention and cure of contagion of People‘s Republic of China (edit draft) " already the 43rd times on March 16, 2004 standing conference discusses the State Council through. Edit draft in all 9 chapters 92, add 51 newly on the foundation of law of active contagion prevention and cure, did about article to law of active contagion prevention and cure revise accordingly.

3) construction of system of network of report of epidemic situation news

The network of our country signs up for a system continuously, it is national sanitation straight newspaper of website sth resembling a net and the common view that run a system, result from the earliest began to try the epidemic situation of countrywide infectivity SARS that move to monitor a network to sign up for a system continuously on September 15, 2003, enable formally in April 2004. This one system is the in-house network of wholesome system, have the specific personnel ability of accredit to visit, the public cannot be visited through Internet, information also does not leave to grandfather, the basic unit is in " the disease monitors information management system " on the epidemic situation of place fill in a form and submit it to the leadership is relevant data, ministry of Public Health can be synchronous see.

Countrywide hospital began to try epidemic situation of SARS of infectivity of moving whole nation to monitor a network to sign up for a system continuously on September 15, 2003, this system can make local hospital seems the doubt of firm discovery case of illness to report Chinese disease to control center and Ministry of Public Health directly.

Monitored data center computer room to build in Chinese CDC as national disease 2003, computer room of center of data of interconnected system of straight syndicate of the network of epidemic situation of countrywide infectivity SARS that monitor also builds in Chinese CDC, started formally on November 5.

On January 1, 2004, chinese disease precaution controls information system to build, contagion epidemic situation came true inside countrywide limits the network of case information signs up for continuously, the network enclothed the county of 95% and above hospital and the hospital of villages and towns of 71% . Up to by October 2006, ministry of Public Health announces straight cable network builds basically, the disease precaution of 100% controls the throughout the country the center, county class of 93.5% and orgnaization of sanitation of medical treatment of prefectural class above and the hospital of villages and towns of 70.3% had realized a network to sign up for continuously.

Up to now, infection of the interconnected system of contagion network straight syndicate that our country already built moving unobstructed, key monitors system, cause of death actively to monitor symptom of report system, disease to monitor healthy and system, relevant element to monitor a system, came true contagion and break out communal and wholesome incident a real time report. Interconnected system of straight syndicate of countrywide contagion network is with the basic level medical establishment of countrywide each district prop up, can satisfy 20 thousand person to be used at the same time, unit of 2000 medical treatment can report 37 kinds of armour, second, third in same time kind contagion epidemic situation. Chinese CDC (Chinese disease precaution controls a center) the search on the surveillance on as round-the-clock as each district CDC net and net, once discover not common epidemic situation or other and communal wholesome incident, start instantly check an order, if discover major information about and appraisal of an epidemic and break out communal and wholesome incident, appear in the newspaper instantly, ensure answer leisurely for a short while.

4) advance foundation of communal and wholesome orgnaization to build

After SARS happening, communal and wholesome problem got the height of whole society takes seriously, various government gave unprecedented support to communal and wholesome construction. After SARS epidemic situation passes, whole government was started quickly break out system of communal and wholesome lash-up to build a project, included a disease to prevent control and construction of system of medical treatment cure mainly among them, throw the 200 refreshment that are used at system of communal and wholesome lash-up more early or late, rebuild and transform. Be in only 2004, countrywide disease prevents construction of hierarchy of control to share 2425 projects, basically change, precaution of disease of class of extend province, city, county controls a center, always invest 11.6 billion yuan.

In addition, return compose to build the whole nation to break out command system of lash-up of communal and wholesome incident, rise decision-making with quick response ability; Establish national cause of disease network of microbial wholesome laboratory, promotion lash-up detects ability; Build goods and materials providing disaster relief to lay in storehouse, solve lash-up to lay in insufficient problem.

3, the inadequacy that our country breaks out communal and wholesome incident to answer

Since new China holds water, wholesome enterprise of China develops quickly, in deal with and should grow ceaselessly in communal to breaking out wholesome incident with expand, especially the times after SARS, chinese government increased the devoted strength that public to breaking out wholesome meet an emergency reacts the system is built, make of whole system should have to ability substantially rise. However, examine the discovery when current situation of ability of whole system lash-up seriously when us: Still existing a few inadequacy.

(1) the soft hard unbalance that breaks out construction of system of lash-up of communal and wholesome incident

1) the assault after the crisis is ferocious fill: Hardware of communal and wholesome interagency builds unbalance

2) soft hard unbalance -- the investment that values hardware, staff capacity fosters inadequacy

Uneven -- level of quality of existing personnel whole is not high

Complement and the mechanism that increase staff capacity lack:

For instance of admittance mechanism diseased the snake in the grass that leave -- lack of high quality professional; Lack the mechanism of Training Within Industry that can last; Performance assessment carries out the effect not beautiful.

(2) the lash-up ability between the area builds unbalance, lack regional collaboration mechanism

1) the area unbalance that lash-up ability builds -- east strong Chinese and Western is weak

2) the urban and rural unbalance that lash-up ability builds -- urban and rural difference is being increased

For instance: The difference of manpower resource -- capacity of basic level staff is much more qualitative not tall; The difference that communal and wholesome funds invests -- communal and wholesome funds throws prefectural class average per capita the level is low; And the urban and rural difference that infrastructure invests.

3) the snow before sweeping the door oneself -- lack regional collaboration mechanism

(3) system of communal and wholesome lash-up builds disequilibrium, resource conformity rate is low

The branch is battle severally, resource conformity rate is low; Each subsystem develops disequilibrium -- ability construction existence is short board effect; Each subsystem coordinates a gender to differ -- what ability builds is scanty board effect.

(4) one-time investment and but durative devoted unbalance

(5) the union that make the same score battle remains to join effectively further

Groom reach drilling level is insufficient; Lash-up beforehand case construction presence is scant; The crisis knows inadequacy, early-warning ability is weak wait.

(6) legal laws and regulations remains to perfect on systematic construction

(7) public crisis consciousness remains to strengthen, information releases ability to remain to rise

The crisis is preclinical " precautions averts perils " ; The crisis is broken out period " Yang Qun effect " ; Crisis tendril adjourns " everybody highs oneself "

4, the strategy that breaks out construction of system of lash-up of communal and wholesome incident

Face what new era falls to break out communal and wholesome incident, in derive theory and practice experience while, the characteristic that union breaks out oneself of communal and wholesome incident and already some answers experience, summary goes out break out communal and wholesome incident 8 answer strategy greatly,

The bolt that compose builds delicacy is communal and wholesome incident lash-up early warning system;

The bolt that compose builds linkage is communal and wholesome incident lash-up deals with system;

The bolt that compose builds major is communal and wholesome incident lash-up technology supports a system;

The bolt that compose builds tamp is communal and wholesome incident lash-up resource lays in a system;

Compose builds appropriate bolt ability of lash-up of communal and wholesome incident evaluates a system;

Science is changed, incorporate lash-up beforehand case;

Perfect bolt is communal and wholesome incident lash-up runs a system;

Arouse force of joint defence of basic level lash-up.

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