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How to prevent carsick, seasick
Go out when the journey takes car, boat, some people can appear the unwell disease such as giddy dazzled, disgusting vomiting. Because adjust in some people inner ear,this basically is of balance of human body posture vestibular organ is too sensitive, car, boat moves shake to appear stronger physiology reaction, perhaps cause be caused by because of the stimulation of some kind of element.
This kind dizzy using disease is only temporarily pathology reaction of the gender, adopt measure of relevant prevention and cure to be able to avoid or can alleviate. It is want to had rested adequately before the journey, assure Morpheus, in maintaining journey buoyant, spirit is flabby; 2 be before taking, should not be hollow, also do not eat too fully, the some most delicious easy digest, contain adipose little food and fruit; 3 be before taking car, boat chatelaine of best Shu Kuan or fasten belt, in order to decrease splanchnic queasy, choose as far as possible relatively the seat before leaning, in order to reduce jolt, and as far as possible little activity, make the head close rely on seat, the body is taken inclined lean, shut eye repose, the fleet scenery outside do not see a window as far as possible; 4 it is to maintain sanitation of the cleanness inside car, boat, the attention is ventilated, what cause in order to reduce foul air is disgusting, stand by the window as far as possible, avoid the evil sexual excitement that benzine flavour creates; 5 it is to going up before car, boat half hours, take to take dizzy peace first; On can be before car, boat all round nose brush some of wind oily essence or cool and refreshing oil, what be stimulated in order to because the air inside railroad car is muddy,be reduced and cause is giddy; Long-distance by car, boat but at every time anteprandial take to take dizzy peace, but one day cannot exceed 3 times. Also can take east milligram of Lang Dang alkaline 0.3-0.6, can maintain 5-6 hour not to vomit. In addition, ren Dan, stable, miltown all has prophylaxis and treatment giddy, calm nerve, prevent dizzy the effect that touch, the mouth contains ginger piece, also can avoid the use of detoxify of wind of disgusting vomiting, drive, can take some beside with equipment lash-up with. Long-distance journey maintains good humor.
Emergency treatment is small stick person
Faint faint
Never move a patient at will right now, observe it whether is normal to its throb and breathe above all, it is normal to be like, can dab the patient is called aloud make its sober. If the patient does not have reaction to explain the case is more severe, should make a side of its head deflection is lowered a bit, head pose is admired after taking, massage emergency treatment with artificial breath and heart next.
Articulatory sprain
Avoid by all means instantly rub is kneaded massage, answer to make an appointment with 15 minutes with cold water or ice cube cold compress immediately. Next, tie close sprain place with handkerchief or bandage.
Angina pectoris
Have the patient of angina pectoris medical history, emergency treatment drug should be carried outside going out. If encounter somebody happening angina, cannot move a patient first, want to give monobel quickly to let its be contained at the tongue to fall.
Bravery angina
In journey if absorb overmuch tall adipose with high protein food, cause acute bravery angina easily. The Ying Jing after the patient comes on lies at the bed, be in with hot-water bottle its are right on celiac hot compress, usable also big toe is oppressive and exciting sufficient 3 lis of point, ache in order to alleviate.
The patient after coming on should prohibit strictly watering with food. Usable big toe or forefinger are oppressive sufficient 3 lis, close the point such as cereal, ache in order to alleviate, ease a patient‘s condition and send a hospital in time cure.
Acute gastroenteritis
As a result of,go out food or water feculent, cause diseases of all sorts of path of acute stomach bowel extremely easily. Wait for a symptom like occurrence vomiting, diarrhoea and severe abdominal pain, but the medicaments such as element of acid of Pai of fluorine of profess to convinced, the rhizome of Chinese goldthread, or pat garlic broken take below.
Ultraviolet radiate
With respect to the sunlight harm to human body character, ultraviolet ray is " prime culprit " , can make skin happening insolation is hurt (solar sex dermatitis) and cause fleck. Ultraviolet radiate still can control system of human body immunity, make delitescent virus affects recrudesce. Prevent ultraviolet radiate disease, it is to want reasonable arrangement time, avoid to go out midday as far as possible; 2 it is to wear look as far as possible shallow, qualitative light clothing, dress with the long sleeve dress with comfortable, strong sex suction sweat had better; 3 be in burning sun below Dai Cao cap or other helmet, to protect an eye, still should wear sunglass; 4 it is to decrease " sunbathe " .
Pollen allergy
Pollen allergy is much by all sorts of tree, Hao kind or other floral pollen is caused, much performance reachs eye ministry in respiratory tract, n&v snuffle, shed tears, sneeze, nasal cavity, canthus and whole body are scratchy. The meeting on some person skins gives birth to the wheal of posse group, serious person return meeting occurrence bosom frowsty, choke with resentment, if be treated not in time, possible intercurrent emphysema and lobar anxiety. If need to go out, want medicaments of the desensitization on equipment.
Reaction to high altitudes
Because high mountain and downy area terrain are tall, air is rarer, oxygen decreases, to these local travel possible meeting appears have a headache, bosom frowsty, breath short, pulse is added fast. Go before high mountain travel, must have serious examination one time to the body, every has tympanitis of disease of disease of serious heart and vessels, coronary heart disease, angina, hypertensive, chronic lung, acute and the woman that be pregnant, had better not go the high mountain travels.
Travel sex diarrhoea is food mostly feculent, affect the be caused by such as dysenteric bacili, salmonella. Defecate submits rare water form, companion has bellyacke, calorific, disgusting vomiting, appetite to be decreased greatly wait for a symptom. To prevent diarrhoea, except the attention daily life is mixed outside dietetic hygiene, should take the medicaments such as acid of Pai of Xin Nuoming of medical made of two or more ingredients, fluorine fully when travel goes out.
Alleviate fatigue
Look from dietotherapy angle, should eat a few alkalescent food more appropriately, like all sorts of all sorts of kelp, laver, fresh vegetable, fruits, bean products, breast kind wait with the animal liver that contains rich protein and vitamin, these food are digested through human body after absorbing, can make haemal acidity is reduced quickly, achieve with the balance in alkalescent, make exhaustion is eliminated. Additional, hot tea, coffee, chocolate also has similar action. Vitamin B and C conduce to the metabolization child of a stockpile inside human body be being handled as soon as possible, reason edible contains a lot ofthe food of vitamin B and C, can eliminate exhaustion.
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